This section shows you the ‘hot spots’ of initiative impacts on employees in the organisation. The data is broken down in weekly and monthly format.
Filters: Use filters to choose targeted Initiatives by selecting Initiative Name, Company Strategy, Type, Stakeholder, Owner or Contact.
Date Range: Choose to show heatmap By Year or By Quarter. Date range slider helps you to narrow the date range.
Colours: The colours represent a scale from “1” one to “5” five where “5” represents the highest or ‘hottest’.The ‘hottest’ means that there is significant people impact. If you are only interested in the comparative impact in the heatmap and not the numbers of initiatives by week, set ‘Number of initiatives’ to ‘No’.
Numbers: The numbers you see on the table are the number of initiatives for each Divisions, Activities or Geography locations per week.
This will give you an idea of which divisions/activities/geography locations are being impacted, to what extend, and when they would happen.
When the Employee Heatmap shows data by divisions, those Divisions that actually have a SubDivision will have a plus “v” mark. Click on the plus mark to check the subdivisions in new rows with their respective number of initiatives. Similarly, if subdivision has a “v” mark, it contains breakdown numbers for the teams within that subdivision.
If a part of the business is deemed as highly impacted and indicated as deep blue in the reporting then you should investigate to verify the initiatives impacting the business by clicking on a table cell and then viewing the initiative table below the heatmap, then make decisions around 1) how to prepare for the business for these impacts, and 2) as needed re-prioritise, re-sequence or delay initiative impacts to manage business performance impacts. To un-do the table cell highlight, simply click the same cell again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that every report will have a download and refresh button on the top right corner of the page. Since the data in the system is refreshed regularly throughout the day and not ‘instant’ as the changes occur, click the refresh button to ensure the latest data is reflected. Also, by clicking the download button a pdf download pop up window will show up.