The information located in this section depends on the filter selection.
This chart shows two overlapped charts:
Stacked bar chart – Hours of Impact for selected date range
Please read the following explanations to understand the the graph:
In the “x” axis (horizontal line)you can see the weeks for each month in the 12 month period starting with the 2 months previous to the current date (e.g. If the dashboard is visited in December, the months shown will start in October).
In the “y” axis (vertical line)it shows the hours of impact based on the impact level defined by admin in Settings > Field Setup > employee impact.
Line chart – Resourcing Level/Change Tolerance for selected date range
In the “x” axis (horizontal line)you can see the weeks for each month in 12 months period starting with the 2 months previous to the current date (e.g. If the dashboard is visited in December, the months showed will start in October).
In the “y” axis (vertical line)it shows Resourcing Level/Change Tolerance. The Resourcing level may be uploaded by the administrator and may be useful for those parts of the business that may be time sensitive such as call centres. Overlaying resourcing level on top of impact levels can help to highlight any potential resourcing capacity challenges. The Change Tolerance level is also determined by the administrator based on historical data and business feedback (including business performance indicators, staff feedback ,etc.) and is used to indicate the level above which there may be too much change, or ‘change saturation’.