Go to the Initiatives tab by selecting it on the main navigation toolbar, to add an new initiative by clicking on Add A New Initiative.
2. Please note that all compulsory fields are indicated using an asterisk “ * “ and must be filled in before the initiative can be saved.
3. Fill out fields in the Initiative Info, Strategies and Access Initiative sections. For Name please enter the name of the initiative but be careful not to duplicate initiaitives and use any agreed organisational naming convention guidelines. Please note that Contact is the person who may be contacted for information about the initiative, who usually is the person entering the initiative. Owner is the owner of the initiative, for example the project manager. You may select multiple Company Strategy and Division Strategy fields if applicable. You can also limit the access to this initiative to a specific user from the user list during the planning stage or for other confidencial reason in Access Initiative section.
4. If details in the initiative have not changed (as there have not been changes required) after 4 weeks please click the Status box. This indicates to others that the data contained in the tool is still current. If the Status box is not clicked and there has been no updates to the initiative within 4 weeks, then a system generated email will be sent to the user who entered the data.
5. To proceed, click on SAVE & ADD IMPACT. However, if you do not yet know the impacts of the initiative then you can stop here.
6. Enter data in the Employee Impact section.
Impact Name: Enter the name for each employee impact. For example, briefing sessions, awareness campaign, town hall meetings, training, understanding role changes, embedding the adoption of the new system, etc.
Hierarchy: There are three levels of hierarchy that may be indicated: 1) The Division, 2) the subdivision within the divisions and 3) the team within the subdivisions. Once a division is selected, its subdivisions and teams are automatically selected. If not all subdivisions and teams are impacted, remove them from the selection. Please note that the individual units for this hierarchy are set by your Administrator. Also note that business units lower than the top three level of hierarchy (lower than a ‘team’) cannot be selected.
Scale indicates the estimated number of employees impacted. Select the range of employees impacted using the drop down menu.
Period: Select the start date and end date for the particular initiative.
Level of impact: To indicate the level of impact, click on one of the levels. Definition of the selected level is shown on the right.
Geography: If used, indicates the geographic location of the impact. Add multiple locations if the initiative affecting employees in different locations. For example, office locations within a country such as Melbourne, Sydney or across different countries such as Sweden and Hong Kong.
Comments: Leave additional comments here for future reference.
Name: Enter the name for each customer impact.
Description: Describe the nature of the impact
Number of Customers: Indicate the rough estimated numbers of customers impacted.
Customer Type: Indicate the type of customer that will be impacted by that particular initiative. The types of customers available in this drop down menu are set by the administrator.
Period: Select the start date and end date of the impact for that particular initiative.
Level of impact: To indicate the level of impact, click on one of the levels. Definition of the selected level is shown on the right.
Effect: Indicate whether the impact is likely a positive one from the customer’s perspective, neutral, or a negative one.
Does Customer Care: Indicate to what extent the customer is likely to care about the impact.
9. To proceed, click on SAVE IMPACT.
10. If the initiative has more than 1 impact on the same customer or impact on another customer type, click on the + button next to Customer Impact to add more Customer Impact.
11. Enter data in the System Impactsection.
Fill out this section if there is a direct impact on any technical system. For example, it could be a procurement system, a CRM system, knowledge management system or website that is impacted.
Name: Enter the name for each system impact.
Description: Enter a description of the nature of the impact
Hierarchy: There are three levels of hierarchy that may be indicated: 1) The Division, 2) the subdivisions within divisions and 3) the teams within the subdivisions. Once division is selected, its subdivisions and teams are automatically selected. If not all subdivision and teams are impacted, remove them from the selection. Please note that the units for this hierarchy are set by your Administrator.
Period: Select the start date and end date for the particular initiative.
Level of impact: To indicate the level of impact, click on one of the levels. Definition of the selected level is shown in the box on the right.
Comments: Enter any comments about the impact.
12. To proceed, click on SAVE IMPACT button.
13. If the initiative has more than 1 impact on the same system or different impacts on different systems, click on the + button next to System Impact to add more System Impact.
14. Enter data in the Process Impact section.
Fill out this section if there is an impact on process(es). For example, processes could include any business processes such as payment, billing, complaints, or customer feedback.
Name: Enter the name for each process impact.
Description: Enter description about the nature of the impact.
Hierarchy: There are three levels of hierarchy that may be indicated: 1) The division, 2) the subdivisions within divisions and 3) the teams within the subdivisions. Once division is selected, its subdivisions and teams are automatically selected. If not all subdivision and teams are impacted, remove them from the selection. Please note that the units for this hierarchy are set by your Administrator.
Period: Select the start date and end date for the impact of that particular initiative.
Level of impact: To indicate the level of impact, click on one of the levels. Definition of the selected level is shown in the box on the right.
Comments: Enter any comments about the impact.
15.To proceed, click on SAVE IMPACT button. If the initiative has on different Process, click on the + button next to Process Impact to add more Process Impact.
16. Once you’ve finished filling out all of the impacts, click on SAVE & ADD BENEFIT button at top right corner.
17. Enter data in the Benefitssection. Benefits describe what initiative benefits are targeted by the initiative. This is an optional section.
Name: Enter name for each benefit.
Type: Indicate whether the benefit of the initiative will be financial or non-financial (some benefits such as ‘reputation’ may be difficult to value quantitatively).
Value(only for financial type of benefits): Indicate the amount of financial benefit. If the benefit is non-financial, the ‘Value’ option will not appear.
Category (only for non-financial type of benefits): Each initiative should bring a set benefits to the organisation; therefore, when creating or editing an initiative, the user should explain the benefits of that particular initiative. If the benefit is non-financial, the user can select the category from the drop down menu defined by your administrator.
Customer benefits: Initiatives may create benefits for the customer, e.g. increasing emotional engagement with the organisation or making it easier for customers to access your products or services; if so, you are able to estimate how valuable the initiative will be for your customers.
Emotionally engaging: Select from ‘0’ (low) to ‘5’ (high) how much the initiative can increase emotional engagement with customers.
Valuable: Select from ‘0’ (low) to ‘5’ (high) how valuable will the initiative be for the customers.
Easily Accessible: Select from ‘0’ (low) to ‘5’ (high) the impact the initiative can have in making easier for customers to access your products or services.
Met: Check the ‘met’ box if the benefits from the initiative have been met, meaning that the full benefits have been realized, i.e. usually towards the end of an initiative.
Successful outcome reliant on user adoption or embedment: Percentage of the expected initiative benefit that is relying on the user adoption
People Side benefit contribution: Value of the expected initiative benefit that is reliant on successful people or user adoption or embedment. This is calculated after clicking the calculator icon.
Health: This indicates whether the ‘health’ of the initiative and whether change ‘leading indicators’ are showing positive trends that the full benefits will be realized. For example, to realise a benefit of $10M in a cost savings restructuring initiative, possible leading indicators could be 1) consolidated FTE list and those impacted by this restructuring have had formal communication, and 2) Formalised new roles and incumbents meeting target benefits have been completed. These 2 activities are leading indicators of the full benefit realization and throughout the initiative these activities may be reported as part of the benefit Health. If these target activities are on track then benefit reporting should indicate green, or if not, then amber or red.
Comment: Add a comment to specify any considerations that need to be taken regarding the benefits from the initiative. This is particularly useful when creating initiatives with non-financial benefits; without a financial estimation it would be convenient to explain the potential benefits of the initiative.
8. Save: Once you have filled out the benefits information, save the initiative by clicking on the Save button at the top right corner. You will be able to view and or edit the initiative by visiting the ‘Initiatives’ tab.
9. Add another benefit. To add another benefit click on the Add Benefit button at the top right of the page.