Designing change

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Beyond the Survey: A Strategic Lens on Change Readiness Assessment

Beyond the Survey: A Strategic Lens on Change Readiness Assessment

Change readiness is one of the most critical, yet often misunderstood, concepts in change management. For many practitioners, it’s been reduced to a series of surveys or assessments — a simple gauge of how “ready” stakeholders feel. But this oversimplification...

The One Under-Emphasized Skill for Successful Change Managers

The One Under-Emphasized Skill for Successful Change Managers

Change managers are not just facilitators of change transition; they are strategic partners who must understand and navigate complex organisational landscapes. One key skill that is often under-emphasised in this role is analytical capability. By adopting a strategic...

The Danger of Using Go Lives to Report on Change Management Impacts

The Danger of Using Go Lives to Report on Change Management Impacts

In the world of change management, Go Lives are often seen as significant milestones. For many project teams, these events represent the culmination of months or even years of hard work, signaling that a new system, process, or initiative is officially being launched....

The meaning of managing change

The meaning of managing change

Is change management just a job or a career? When you clock in and clock out everyday do you ever wonder what is the purpose of all this work? Yes, your natural response could be, well, managing change helps improve employee work experience and we help company land...

The resistance to change that we can all relate to

The resistance to change that we can all relate to

Change is an inevitable part of, not just corporate life, but life in general. It's a natural occurrence that we all must face at some point. But despite the many benefits that change can bring, many of us are still reluctant to embrace it. After all, for many, it is...