Managing organizational change impacts using change management software

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In the new digital world, we are all about using technology and the web to make our lives easier, more productive, and efficient. However, in the change management world, there is not a lot of tools out there to help us become leaner and more effective in managing change. A lot of other functions and disciplines have a range of digital tools to help them become more effective, but the same range of change management software is not yet available for change practitioners.

Why do we need software to manage change impacts?

In large companies, most departments are siloed and therefore it is difficult to get one integrated view of all changes

As the pace of change increases many companies are finding it simply too complex to try and manage change using spreadsheets. Change initiative information, like any data, becomes redundant very quickly therefore we need technology tools to help keep the data current.

Change impact information is critical for operational resource planning and managing customer experience. Constant and relevant data is required. Without a view of all the change impacts, including those deemed projects, improvement initiatives, Six Sigma, cultural change, product launches it is hard for us to see what changes are going to happen.

Often we are making business change decisions based on opinions and with the right software we can ensure that we are using data to make decisions

What are some of the existing offerings?

A quick search through the posts and articles in this Linkedin group has surfaced mostly with technical change management tools. There are lots of tools that focus on digital engagement, social networks, and collaboration. These include Pinipa, Sharepoint, and Change Scout. And others focus on Training such as WalkMe.

What is the current gap?

Most companies have data on typical project information such as cost and timeline. However, what we need is information on the nature of the change impact on employees and customers, e.g. what type of change, the quantum of change, when, in what location, and who are impacted.

The Change Compass provides a solution for companies undergoing multiple changes to have an integrated view of change impacts and guides business leaders to make the right data-based decisions.

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