Designing quality change experiences

Designing quality change experiences

Successfully achieving business outcomes through change requires good people change experiences. A positive employee change experience means that he/she is more likely to be engaged and more able to deliver a great customer experience.

How does one go about designing and crafting this experience? To achieve accolades in people’s experience, one needs to think broadly about a range of experiences. This could involve anything ranging from manager discussions, online discussions, avenues for peer conversations, senior leadership behavior, and supporting collateral.

Designing a great change experience for employees working in an organization is no different than designing a great quality of life for dwellers living in a particular city. A city needs to focus on having a vibrant economy, a happening retail scene, good access to parks and nature, great transportation links, and developed sports and arts scenes. All of these contribute to the quality of life of those who call the city home. In a similar way, in organizations, it involves a broad spectrum of experiences, including manager discussions, online forums, peer conversations, senior leadership behavior, and supporting collateral.

There are foundational ways of engaging with employees during change that apply to all organizations, such as manager-employee conversations, authenticity, clarity of the message, and involvement in the change process. On the other hand, progressive ways to engage with employees using technology can also contribute to making a great change experience. In this article, we will delve into seven key strategies to design exceptional employee experiences during times of change, encompassing both foundational and progressive approaches.


  1. A dynamic change champion network supporting various change initiatives.

A robust and well-organized change champion network stands as the linchpin for successful initiatives. This network not only provides valuable developmental opportunities for employees but also functions as a vibrant hub for grassroots action, propelling organizational change. In this collaborative space, employees share innovative ideas, collaborate on preparing their teams for change, and play a pivotal role in disseminating critical information.

Change champions serve as passionate advocates, internalizing the responsibility to articulate the envisioned end state of the change to their colleagues. Going beyond advocacy, they actively gather frontline feedback, ensuring upper levels comprehend the concerns and insights of their peers. Moreover, change champions supporting the business across a spectrum of changes have the potential to evolve and enhance their capabilities over time, contributing significantly to the resilience and effectiveness of the entire change champion network.

Key Benefits of a Dynamic Change Champion Network

  • Provides valuable development opportunities for employees.
  • Drives organizational change through grassroots action.
  • Change champions play a crucial role in internalizing accountability, sharing feedback, and supporting multiple changes.
  1. Active social network channels to discuss, share, and support one another during change.

Engaging employees during change is greatly facilitated by active social network channels. Platforms such as Yammer offer a powerful means to connect employees, encouraging idea-sharing and mutual support. While the use of social channels requires vigilant monitoring, the benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Digital channels provide an inclusive space where even those unable to attend town halls or hesitant to speak up in person can contribute and be heard. Numerous instances showcase employees leveraging these platforms to propose innovative solutions for addressing customer needs, cultivating a fertile ground for continuous improvement. Additionally, employees can share their experiences with the new system, posing questions and receiving assistance from their peers.

Key Benefits of Active Social Networks

  • Facilitates idea sharing and mutual support.
  • Inclusive platform for all employees, irrespective of their participation in town halls.
  • Showcases real examples of innovative solutions and continuous improvement.
  1. Effective learning processes

Modern organizations recognize the importance of diverse learning approaches to achieve optimal outcomes. Acknowledging that employees have distinct learning styles, progressive organizations offer various options tailored to individual preferences.

Traditional face-to-face learning settings often leave some employees breezing through content, while others require additional clarification, support, and hands-on experience. To address these differences, self-paced online learning emerges as an effective solution, accommodating varying speeds of comprehension. Change champions play a vital role in this process, offering face-to-face support to those who benefit from a more personalized approach. Furthermore, organizations can create “sand-pits” or training environments, allowing employees to immerse themselves in the new system, process, or workflow before its official release. This hands-on experience ensures that employees feel confident and well-prepared for the impending change.

Key Benefits of  Effective Learning Processes

  • Recognizes diverse learning styles among employees.
  • Self-paced online learning accommodates varying speeds of comprehension.
  • Change champions provide personalized face-to-face support.
  • “Sand-pits” or training environments offer hands-on experience prior to change implementation
  1. Effective air traffic control of changes to manage change capacity

A seamless change experience necessitates meticulous planning and coordination within the organizational landscape. Given that most employees contend with multiple changes simultaneously, strategic management of these initiatives becomes paramount.

Organizations must metaphorically act as air traffic controllers, ensuring that various changes do not “land” concurrently, overwhelming employees. Achieving this coordination requires a unified view of change impacts, enabling the careful design of employee experiences. Establishing dedicated forums and routines to review change impact data is crucial in making effective sequencing decisions.

This proactive approach not only prevents change fatigue but also enhances the overall employee experience. For a detailed exploration of change management strategies and managing multiple initiatives concurrently, delve into our comprehensive guide here.

Key Benefits of Effective Change Coordination

  • Meticulous planning and coordination are essential for a seamless change experience.
  • Employees often grapple with multiple changes simultaneously, necessitating strategic management.
  • Organizations must act as air traffic controllers to prevent simultaneous “landings” of various changes.
  • A unified view of change impacts enables the careful design of employee experiences.
  • Dedicated forums and routines for reviewing change impact data facilitate effective sequencing decisions.
  1. Engaging manager behaviours throughout the change process

In the realm of change experiences, the behavior of managers stands as the linchpin of effectiveness. A manager’s openness, authenticity, and commitment to engaging in transparent conversations about change wield substantial influence over the employee’s change journey.

Managers who are absent, fail to conduct one-on-ones, withhold information, or disregard feedback contribute significantly to a negative change experience. Recognizing this, senior managers and formal sponsors of change bear a pivotal role. They are entrusted with not only selling the change vision but also igniting robust support and momentum throughout the organization, facilitating a seamless transition to the new state.

Key Benefits of Effective Managerial Engagement

  • Managerial behavior is pivotal in shaping an effective change experience for employees.
  • Openness, authenticity, and transparent communication from managers significantly influence the change journey.
  • Ineffective managers, characterized by absence, lack of communication, and disregard for feedback, contribute to negative experiences.
  • Senior managers and formal change sponsors play a crucial role in selling the change vision and fostering organizational support.
  1. Engaging and interesting collateral about the change

In the orchestration of change experiences, the role of change marketing emerges as a pivotal success criterion. The creation of engaging employee experiences hinges on the effective design of collateral that not only sends the right messages but also resonates through the appropriate channels.

To support the marketing process, collateral must be meticulously crafted, employing visual elements such as imagery, quotes, infographics, and slogans. Engaging mediums, including videos and posters, serve as powerful conduits for conveying the essence of change. In a landscape cluttered with information, the collateral’s unique proposition lies in its ability to stand out and simplify messages, articulating what employees need to know, be it the ‘why’ of the change or the actionable steps they need to take.

Key Benefits of Change Marketing

  • Change marketing is a critical determinant of engaging change experiences for employees.
  • Effective collateral design is essential for sending the right messages through appropriate channels.
  • Visual elements like imagery, quotes, infographics, and slogans play a crucial role in conveying the essence of change.
  • Engaging mediums such as videos and posters serve as powerful tools in the dissemination of change information.
  • Collateral must stand out in the information-cluttered landscape and simplify messages for clarity and understanding.
  1. Positive and fun events to generate buzz and excitement

In the corporate realm, traditional showcases and meetings to discuss changes can become routine, contributing little to a positive and energetic employee experience over time. To breathe life into change events and foster excitement, it’s imperative to explore unconventional, fun, and vibrant approaches.

Key Elements for Buzz-Worthy Change Events

Beyond the Ordinary:

  • Ditch the mundane by steering away from standard meeting formats.
  • Explore unconventional and creative event designs to inject excitement.

Themed Extravaganzas:

  • Introduce themed events aligned with the essence of the change.
  • Costume characters can bring a whimsical touch, adding an element of fun.

Dress Days and Competitions:

  • Spice up events with theme dress days, encouraging participation.
  • Fun competitions add a competitive yet enjoyable edge to change gatherings.

Tea-Time Engagements:

  • Break away from the norm with morning/afternoon tea events.
  • Create a relaxed setting for informal interactions, fostering camaraderie.

A holistic approach to change acknowledges both the positive aspects of crafting engaging experiences and the challenges that come with navigating the unknown. By combining progressive engagement strategies with practical tips for addressing resistance, organizations can foster a positive change environment that not only achieves its objectives but also cultivates a resilient and adaptable workforce. Discover innovative engagement strategies, and practical tips for overcoming challenges, and foster a positive change environment. Book your weekly demo to transform change into an opportunity!

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Five ways to use soft power to influence your initiative stakeholders

Five ways to use soft power to influence your initiative stakeholders

In business literature having senior leader sponsorship and buy-in is always highlighted as one of the most if not the most important factor in determining successful initiative outcome.  It is touted that without senior leaders to drive the initiative, it is difficult to get traction.  The respective senior leaders that own the initiative are identified as the most important stakeholders to engage.   As a result, most project managers and change managers spend significant amount of time aligning and influencing the senior leader.

What happens if your particular senior leader(s) are not along the journey, do not engage employees, or are simply absent?  Sounds familiar?  Does this mean that the initiative will definitely fail?  According to research that McKinsey and others have conducted yes there will be a significant risk of failure.  So what is one to do in this situation?  In fact, in our recent change practice benchmarking study (click here to find out more) many respondents stated that their biggest challenge is to influence senior stakeholders.

Project or change managers will most likely not have the hierarchical status in the organization to influence senior stakeholders based on power or rank. However, do not give up.  There is another way …. using soft power.  What is soft power?  In the field of international relations, soft power is the ability to attract or co-opt rather than coerce (hard power) as a means of persuasion (according to Wikipedia).  It is having the ability to influence the behavior or thinking of others through the power of attraction and ideas.

Across the globe some countries are great at using soft power to influence other nations. How?  Having strong business brands, artists/designers/musicians who are popular, etc.  People all over the world are influenced by soft power through the brands they interact with every day.  Apple users interact with their iPhone, iWatch, iPads or iMacs and know its Californian ideals. K-pop music lovers across Asia are influenced by the fashion trends from Korea.  Ikea furniture owners experience a piece of Sweden when they walk into an Ikea store, Swedish food, Swedish minimalist design, and modern sensibilities.

So how do we leverage soft power to influence a range of stakeholders including senior stakeholders?

  1. Leverage your ‘popular stars’. Just as Taylor Swift and Eminem popularize trends and attitudes across the global audience, leverage your organization’s stars. They can be popular bloggers on your internal company social networks such as Yammer.  They can also be well-respected figures who have established famous personal brands that are not necessarily the most senior.  They can have interesting job titles or particular insights, or are just well-connected.  Enlist these figures to help you influence your stakeholders through their presence and visible actions.
  2. Design an effective internal marketing campaign. Global artists weren’t born popular.  They are popularized by marketing machines.  Don’t be shy about marketing your selected stars and their messages.  Leverage the various corporate channels to market their messages, including intranet articles, posters, emails, videos, blogs, talks, etc.  Work on your branding consistency, consistency of messaging, and ensure there is an alignment of different communication channels used.
  3. To influence key stakeholders such as senior executives, conduct detailed social network analysis. Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups and organizations. Interview those who are close to the chosen targets and start to map out those who are connected and how they are connected.  Identify and leverage the targeted network to influence your senior executives.   Find out what turns them on and what their pet peeves are.  Then, leverage your selected network to influence.
  4. Attract your stakeholders. Soft power is not about coercion or using carrot or stick.  It is about attracting someone to your perspective.   How do we do this?  From a messaging perspective, appeal to the emotional core of what the stakeholders are attracted to, rather than relying purely on logical arguments.  For example, if there is a history of employees jumping in to help one another in times of crisis, then leverage this history and theme to arouse the emotional connection.  Tie your message to this theme.  Also, work on your visual attraction.  Use video imagery, infographic, photographs, and charts to tell a compelling and memorable story.  Your stakeholders will remember these a lot more than a long speech or an article.
  5. Create and leverage your change champions network. In the new world, employees no longer only look to their leader for instruction and information.  They leverage their social network to stay informed and engaged.  A good change champion network with members that are carefully selected can do just this – pollinate, broadcast and engage a broad range of audience.  An effective change champion network that is well-supported can drive significant change across the organization.  There are examples of initiatives with poor senior leader sponsorship but have resulted in significant impact due to its change champions at various levels.

Ghandi popularized a non-violent struggle against Great Britain’s colonization of India. Using peaceful means, Ghandi managed to empower the masses to overthrow a dominant superpower.  Martin Luther King is another fantastic example of the power of soft power.  Using his oration and people motivation skills he was able to amass a large number of people to march for civil rights.  This is the magnitude of soft power.  While for organizations we may not have such grand ambitions for initiatives, it is worth calling out that one should not underestimate the force of soft power.  For Generation Z hierarchy and coercion will not work as well as for previous generations.  They want to be inspired to change the world.  As a result, how we influence and drive change initiatives will also need to change – from that which is focused on top-down command and control to one that leverages soft power.
