How to write a change management survey that is valid

How to write a change management survey that is valid

An important part of measuring change is to be able to design change management surveys that measure what it has set out to measure.  Designing and rolling out change management surveys is a core part of what a change practitioner’s role is.  However, there is often little attention paid to how valid and how well designed the survey is.  A survey that is not well-designed can be meaningless, or worse, misleading.  Without the right understanding from survey results, a project can easily go down the wrong path.

Why do change management surveys need to be valid?

A survey’s validity is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure.  Validity is an assessment of its accuracy.  This applies whether we are talking about a change readiness survey, a change adoption survey, employee sentiment pulse survey, or a stakeholder opinion survey.

What are the different ways to ensure that a change management survey can maximise its validity?

Face validity.  The first way in which a survey’s validity can be assessed is its face validity.  Having good face validity is that in the view of your targeted respondents the questions measure what they aimed to measure.  If your survey is measuring stakeholder readiness, then it’s about these stakeholders agreeing that your survey questions measure what they are intended to measure.

Predictive validity.  If you really want to ensure that your survey questions are scientifically proven to have high validity, then you may want to search and leverage survey questionnaires that have gone through statistical validation.  Predictive validity means that your survey is correlated with those surveys that have high statistical validity.   This may not be the most practical for most change management professionals.

Construct validity.  This is about to what extent your change survey measures the underlying attitudes and behaviours it is intended to measure.  Again, this may require statistical analysis to ensure there is construct validity.

At the most basic level, it is recommended that face validity is tested prior to finalising the survey design.

How do we do this?  A simple way to test the face validity is to run your survey by a select number of ‘friendly’ respondents (potentially your change champions) and ask them to rate this, followed by a meeting to review how they interpreted the meaning of the survey questions.

Alternatively, you can also design a smaller pilot group of respondents before rolling the survey out to a larger group.  In any case, the outcome is to test that your survey is coming across with the same intent as to how your respondents interpret them.

Techniques to increase survey validity

1. Clarity of question-wording.

This is the most important part of designing an effective and valid survey.  The question wording should be that any person in your target audience can read it and interpret the question in exactly the same way.  

  • Use simple words that anyone can understand, and avoid jargon where possible unless the term is commonly used by all of your target respondents
  • Use short questions where possible to avoid any interpretation complexities, and also to avoid the typical short attention spans of respondents.  This is also particularly important if your respondents will be completing the survey on mobile phones
  • Avoid using double-negatives, such as “If the project sponsor can’t improve how she engages with the team, what should she avoid doing?”

2. Avoiding question biases

A common mistake in writing survey questions is to word them in a way that is biased toward one particular opinion.  This assumes that the respondents already have a particular point of view and therefore the question may not allow them to select answers that they would like to select.

Some examples of potentially biased survey questions (if these are not follow-on questions from previous questions):

  • Is the information you received helping you to communicate to your team members
  • How do you adequately support the objectives of the project
  • From what communication mediums do your employees give you feedback about the project 

3. Providing all available answer options

Writing an effective survey question means thinking through all the options that the respondent may come up with.  After doing this, incorporate these options into the answer design.  Avoid answer options that are overly simple and may not meet respondent needs in terms of choice options.

4. Ensure your chosen response options are appropriate for the question.

Choosing appropriate response options may not always be straightforward.  There are often several considerations, including:

  • What is the easiest response format for the respondents?
  • What is the fastest way for respondents to answer, and therefore increase my response rate?
  • Does the response format make sense for every question in the survey?

For example, if you choose a Likert scale, choosing the number of points in the Likert scale to use is critical.  

  • If you use a 10-point Likert scale, is this going to make it too complicated for the respondent to interpret between 7 and 8 for example?  
  • If you use a 5-point Likert scale, will respondents likely resort to the middle, i.e. 3 out of 5, out of laziness or not wanting to be too controversial?  Is it better to use a 6-point scale and force the user not to sit in the middle of the fence with their responses?
  • If you are using a 3-point Likert scale, for example, High/Medium/Low, is this going to provide sufficient granularity that is required in case there are too many items where users are rating medium, therefore making it hard for you to extract answer comparisons across items?

Example of survey design interface and reporting from Change Automator

5. If in doubt leave it out

There is a tendency to cram as many questions in the survey as possible because change practitioners would like to find out as much as possible from the respondents.  However, this typically leads to poor outcomes including poor completion rates.  So, when in doubt leave the question out and only focus on those questions that are absolutely critical to measure what you are aiming to measure.

6.Open-ended vs close-ended questions

To increase the response rate, it is common practice to use closed-ended questions where the user selects from a prescribed set of answers.  This is particularly the case when you are conducting quick pulse surveys to sense-check the sentiments of key stakeholder groups.  Whilst this is great to ensure a quick, and painless survey experience for users, relying purely on closed-ended questions may not always give us what we need.

It is always good practice to have at least one open-ended question to allow the respondent to provide other feedback outside of the answer options that are predetermined.  This gives your stakeholders the opportunity to provide qualitative feedback in ways you may not have thought of. 

To read more about how to measure change visit our Knowledge page under Change Analytics & Reporting.

Writing an effective and valid change management survey is often glanced over as a critical skill.  Being aware of the above 6 points will get you a long way in ensuring that your survey is designed in a way that will measure what it is intended to measure.  As a result, the survey results will be more bullet-proof to potential criticisms and ensure the results are valid, and provide information that can be trusted by your stakeholders. 

Measuring change using change management software

Measuring change using change management software

Measuring change has become increasingly popular within the change management discipline.  It used to be that change practitioners were more comfortable thinking and proposing that they are all about people, and therefore people factors are not hard and easy to measure.  Areas such as change leadership, training, communication, and engagement were often the key tenants of a change professional’s key focus areas.

With increasing digitisation and focus on data and metrics, change management is also not exempt from this trend.  Business leaders are now demanding that change management, just like most other business disciplines, demonstrate their value and work outcome through measurable metrics.

Using change management software to measure change

Even before the more recent trend of focusing on various aspects of change, change management software products have emerged.  10 years, when the basic idea for The Change Compass started, there was only 1-2 change management software in the market.  Several years after that, there started to be 2-4 product offerings emerging in the marketplace.  

Over the years, many of these software products have closed shop, or been sold to other companies.  At the time, the need for change management software to measure change was not strong in the marketplace.  It was perhaps an immature market where a lot of practitioners saw little need.

Types of change management software

There are many types of change management software.  First, let’s spell out that we are not talking about technical change management software such as ITIL or technical change tracking software.  The focus of this article is on organisational change management software.  

The different types of change management software include:

  • Change project adoption measurement – Such as ChangeTracking that focuses on measuring the extent to which the project is progressing on track from a stakeholder perception and adoption angle
  • Change project implementation measurement – Such as Change Automator that provides a platform to automate project change delivery work that change practitioners focus on in capturing change deliverables, and overall change reporting and tracking 
  • Change portfolio measurement – Such as The Change Compass that offers data visualisation for a change portfolio (collection of change projects) to help make portfolio level decisions on prioritisation, sequencing and delivery risks
  • Other organisational measurement – Such as OrgMapper that provides organisational network analysis maps and networks to understand relationship networks across individuals and groups

Data capture and automation

One of the key value propositions of a digital change management software is to provide some levels of automation in the capture of change management data, so that the data may be easily analysed and visualised.  However, in our analysis of available change management software in the market, we found that there is a wide range of various levels of automation.  Some have almost zero automation, whilst others have significant levels of automation.  

In searching for an effective digital change management tool, ensure that you take into account the following in data capture:

  • To what extent is the data capture flexible and can be easily tailored
  • What are the system features to automate data entry?
  • Is there a range of data analytics from the data entered
  • Is the tool just a data depository without insight generation and data analysis features
  • Is the data capture too categorical?  E.g. Agile vs Waterfall?  And how useful are the data fields in terms of making decisions or generating insights?

Here is an example of automation from Change Automator where stakeholder data can be pulled from the company’s Microsoft Azure system to reduce the significant time required to input stakeholder details.

Change Automator example of using automation to save time

Data analysis & reporting

The power of digital software is that it can easily calculate, track, and visually show the metrics that we are focused on.  Looking at raw data is meaningless if it cannot be turned into highly engaging and meaningful charts that generate an understanding of some kind of insight into the organisational situation with regard to initiatives.  

Some change management software reports simple figures that may provide limited usefulness.  For example, the number of impacts affecting each stakeholder group may be interesting but there is not much we can do with the data.  This is because the number of impacts doesn’t indicate the overall severity or volume of the impacts.

Data visualisation should also support ‘drill-through’, where the user is able to click on the chart and drill into more details about that particular part of the data to better understand what contributes to it.  This is a critical part of data analysis and understanding the story that the data is telling us.

Effective data visualization

Data visualisation formats are also critical.  With the wrong data visualisation design, it becomes very difficult for people to understand and interpret the data.  Ideally, the user should see very clearly what the data is showing them visually.  For example, pie charts have become very popular in reporting.  However, pie charts are only useful to contrast a few different data points.  When there are too many data points and the data is too similar, the human eye finds it difficult to compare and contrast any differences.

Effective data visualisation should also allow the user to highlight a part of the data to create a visual emphasise to support a particular point.  Making the visuals simple for the user is ultimately the most important part of chart design.  The more complex it is, the harder it is for you to get your point across to your stakeholders.  

To learn more about designing the right data visualisation to create optimal impact check out our infographic.

Insight generation & decision making

Ultimately, the change management software should be designed to provide insight into what is going to happen to the impacted people (whether it be employees, customers, or partners).  The data should help you zoom into where is the source of the problem or the risk area, what the risk is, and potentially how to make a recommendation to resolve it.  The drill-through capability is critical to support the insight generation.  

The data visualisation should also directly support you or your business stakeholders to make business decisions on change.  If the data was just ‘interesting’ it will not have much impact and after a while business stakeholders will lose their interest in the data.  Instead, data and reporting should form a core part of regular business decision-making.  Decision making using change data can be:

  • Within a project in making roll out and implementation decisions
  • Within a portfolio in making prioritisation and sequencing decisions
  • Within a business unit in making capacity prioritisation, business readiness and operational planning decisions
  • Across the enterprise in PMO and change governance settings on prioritisation, sequencing, benefit realisation and enterprise planning

Tailoring of data visualization

For those users who are more advanced with change analytics, there may be stakeholder requests to tailor charts in different formats.  It could also be that for a specific organisational scenario, the user would like to create a tailored chart to show the specific problem that is not represented in existing off-the-shelf report designs.

In this case, the software should have the flexibility to allow these users to select their desired data fields and even types of charts that they want to work with to design the tailored chart without too much effort, and ideally not from scratch.

Here is an example from Change Automator where the user is able to easily tailor a chart by selecting the data fields, experiment with different charting, to come up with the ideal chart to influence stakeholders.

Example from Change Automator on easily tailoring charts

Trend analysis and predictive analysis through machine learning

Reading and interpreting individual charts can yield significant insights.  However, the real power of analytics is to look at historical trends and even predict future trends based on data.  Therefore, having the right data, over time, can create significant value.  This is why investing in data is so critical, and why not just technology companies, but most industries are focused on digitising and leveraging the power of data.

The same thing applies to change analytics and change data.  Invest in change data and the benefits can be enormous.  By better understanding data trends with the assistance of machine learning, the system can highlight and draw your attention to critical observations and findings that you may have skipped.

With sufficient data, you’re also able to utilise machine learning to generate predictive data trends.  Some examples of situations in which this can provide significant value include:

  • Typical times in which the business unit or team are busy with changes or operational challenges
  • Typically how initiatives of different complexities take to adopt and embed within the business
  • Typical delays in forecasted versus actual change implementation timeline
  • Stakeholder groups that tend to show the highest resistance or lowest engagement to initiatives
  • Predicted time it takes to realise targeted benefits

Investing in a change management software can create significant value for your organisation by measuring change and making it visual and easier to understand.  Selecting the right tool is critical since there is a variety of options on the market.  Examine closely the functionalities and how they enable you to make business decisions since not all charts may be useful.  With the right software support, you will be able to not only tell a compelling, data-backed story of what is going to happen to the business, but also the logical recommendations that stakeholders find hard to dispute.  

Change Automator example of leveraging machine learning in change analytics

To read more about measuring change visit our Ultimate Guide to Measuring Change article.

How to be more strategic in managing change

How to be more strategic in managing change

Being more strategic in managing change is about being more focused on those aspects of driving change that will create the most value for the organisation.  This is directly comparable to what strategy is about. Strategy is about choosing a particular path to achieve a particular set of goals, versus other paths.  There are many paths and many ways to manage change and different paths may yield different results.  

What are the advantages of being more strategic?  Being more strategic means you are clearer in terms of the specific approach you are taking in leading change and how that translates to a particular set of results. It is not just about following a particular methodology blindly or whatever approach is ‘in vogue’.  

Strategic change practitioners create greater value for the organisation.  They are more able to connect with senior managers in terms of driving organisational impact and results versus being focused just on individual implementation tactics.  They are also able to easily articulate why change activities are carried out and how they contribute to the overall outcomes.  Moreover, they’re able to position the value of the change in the overall strategy of the organisation and why the change is important.  In approaching the implementation they zoom in on the parts of the change that makes the most difference.

How does a change practitioner be more strategic?

Start with understanding and linking the initiative to the strategy

Every initiative exists to support a particular strategy that the company has created.  Change practitioners need to have a good understanding of the organisational strategies, why they were created, and what they aimed to achieve.  At a basic level, it should be clearly understood by all stakeholders why the initiative was created and the strategy it aims to support.

A clear grasp of how the initiative supports an organisational strategy helps the change practitioner position the size of the value delivered by the initiative.  As a result, it helps with determining the focus and effort that should be devoted to and how to realise the objectives of this initiative.

Organisational strategy can also be understood using the 3 horizons model.  Strategies and initiatives can fall within each of the 3 horizons.  

  • Horizon 1 ideas provide continuous innovation to a company’s existing business model and core capabilities in the short-term.
  • Horizon 2 ideas extend a company’s existing business model and core capabilities to new customers, markets, or targets.
  • Horizon 3 is the creation of new capabilities and new business to take advantage of or respond to disruptive opportunities or to counter disruption.

3 horizons model (from Stratechi)

Most change practitioners would be involved in horizon 1 initiatives where there are immediate changes required to the business in the shorter term.  However, there are also initiatives about transformation in horizon 2 concerned with building core capabilities.  Horizon 3 is about building and launching new products or launching into new markets outside of the existing business.  There may also be initiatives within this horizon.  Understanding which horizon the initiative falls under helps with its positioning.

Improving business acumen: 

Having good business acumen is critical to being a strategic change practitioner.  If you do not understand how the business works then it is hard to be strategic.  This is because without understanding key drivers of how the business works, it is hard to formulate the right positioning to support the change initiative in a way that supports the realisation of the strategy.

Don’t fret. There are a few focus areas that can point you in the right direction.

1. How the company makes money.

At a basic level, understand how the company is structured and how it makes money.  Lay out all the various departments of the organisation.  Focus on key operations of the business.  This can be labelled as a value chain, or how services and products get produced and delivered to the customer.  What are the key investments of the organisation?  In a financial services setting the focus is on people, financial investment, and technology.  In manufacturing, it could be on equipment and supply chain.

Focus on the key drivers for the company.  Is the company focused on maximizing profit?  Or is the focus on increasing revenue?  Is there a focus on decreasing costs to increase revenue?  What are the ‘big buckets’ in which cost savings can be achieved? And therefore how is your initiative supporting any of these drivers? 

The critical part is to understand ‘why’ the company is focused on particular activities.  There are the business-as-usual parts of the organisation focused on maintenance of the business (’keeping the lights on’), and then there are core drivers that can make or break the business and its financials.  Seek to understand why particular strategies were chosen and what objectives they will help the company to achieve.

2.Competition and the market landscape.

After understanding how a company operates, the next step is to understand the landscape that it operates.  A good model to be familiar with in analysing the competitive landscape of the industry is Porter’s 5 forces model.  Seek to understand the interplay between the 5 forces.  How do these shape the industry?  As a result, how is the company positioned in the market?  To be successful which forces is the company focused on managing?

Is your initiative involved in providing a better experience for customers because the landscape has been changing and customers are more demanding and have more choices than before?  Is the initiative focused on launching a digital solution so that the company is not overtaken by rivals who offer better options to customers?  Is the company’s profit suffering due to increased material/finance costs and therefore the initiatives are focused on containing cost?  Is the program focused on improving efficiency through launching a systems solution and therefore improving customer delivery time or saving headcount?

5 forces model (from Visual Paradigm)

Focus on providing value to the organisation

We know that it is not always easy to prove the value of change management.  People benefits are not always tangible and easily measured.  However, this does not mean that it is less important or that measurement is not valuable.  In the past, there have been efforts to try and measure change management in terms of return on investment (ROI).  However, this may not be the most strategic way of demonstrating the value of change management.

Where possible, always focus on creating value for the organisation, as opposed to focusing on saving costs.  The ultimate superpower of change management is about creating the right organisational environment so as to fully realize the benefits targeted by initiatives.  Initiative benefits may not always be in financial dollar terms but are often in the hundreds of thousands to millions in benefits.

On the other hand, a focus on cost will always be compared against other costs.  You can try and argue that the cost for change management is not large, but then there are always ways to reduce the cost.  Going down the path of focusing on cost can only get you so far.  This is for the same reason that a company that only focuses on reducing cost will not grow.  Alternatively, focus on increasing value for the organisation means targeting a much bigger piece of the pie.  Here is an example of why focusing on value often means creating a lot more impact than focusing on cost.

To find out how to calculate the financial value of managing a change portfolio click here.

Adopt a logic-based approach to strategize change

To adopt a rigorous logic-based approach in determining your change approach, use the MECE framework.  MECE stands for mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive.  The framework is commonly used by strategy consultants when they analyse the organisation and determine what strategies to formulate.

MECE framework (from Case interview)

There are 2 aspects to using this model.  The model is based on a scientific hypothesis approach to problem-solving.  This means that you must always begin with a hypothesis, followed by branches that test the hypothesis.  To goal is to prove or disprove the hypothesis.  For example, “by open-sourcing change tactics, we will achieve a better change outcome”.  Then you can draw a tree diagram that branches out the various factors that can either support or disprove this.  For example, these could be the potential branches:

  • The culture of the company is hierarchical and employees are not always forthcoming in openly sharing their ideas and expect to be lead
  • The project has a particularly tight timeline and there may not be sufficient time to properly engage the community for various ideas
  • Program sponsor and key stakeholders already have a fixed idea of how they want to implement the change, and therefore may not be open to other ideas
  • The organisation does not have a history of undergoing significant change and therefore employees may not understand the effort required to drive and sustain the change

Tree diagram (from Case interview)

From each branch, there can be subbranches that call out the evidence or reasoning for each branch.  In this case, there seems to be strong logic that this hypothesis is false.  Therefore, this is not a good strategy to use for this initiative.

Use the MECE approach to strategize your change approach.  A lot of practitioners tend to prefer to follow standard change management models and methodologies.  This may be OK as a reference, or a reminder.  However, an effective change approach that is strategically focused on what the organisation needs must be developed using a logic-based approach.  One that is tailored and designed specifically for the unique situation that the company is in currently.

Your change strategy or approach should always be unique to the requirements of the organisation.  It should never be a ‘copy’ of another initiative because no two initiatives are ever completely the same.  There will be tactics that are similar across initiatives, such as engagement approaches utilised or impact assessment design.  However, the change strategy needs to call out what is unique about this initiative and how the change strategy is specifically designed for this situation.

Build change measurement and tracking

Business strategy can only be successful if it can be measured.  Without measurement, there is no way of knowing if the objectives are achieved or when to abandon the strategy and adapt/tweak as required.  The same applies to change strategy and execution.  The change strategy must come with a set of metrics in order to gauge to what extent the strategy is successful or not.

Be aware of not creating too many metrics that will lead to significant effort required to capture and report the metrics.  Balance effort and outcome in the tracking and reporting of change management metrics.  Having anywhere from 3-5 metrics is a good number to target.  When you start to have more metrics, the effort required may be too overwhelming.

To read up more about measuring change click here.

Application of strategic approaches throughout the project lifecycle

Let’s go through an example of how strategic change approaches can be applied throughout the project life cycle.

Scoping – Strategic approach to look widely at the effort involved

Typically during this phase of the project, change practitioners may tend to focus only on the operational aspect of scoping out the resources required to support the project and the level of impact on the organisation.  However, it is also important to be clear about the strategic importance and positioning of this initiative.

In scoping out the change management effort required to support an initiative we need to understand the strategic importance of the initiative and where it stands compared to other initiative and organisational focus areas.  Key questions to consider include:

  • What is the priority level of the initiative 
  • What strategy is it supporting? What’s the level of strategic importance?
  • What’s the right level of focus to support this initiative, balanced against other organisational priorities?  For example, what else would impacted stakeholders be focused on during the impact period, and therefore how do we support having the right priorities? (i.e. the right level of ambidexterity)
  • Are there opportunities to integrate the roll out of this initiative with other initiatives to simplify focus, organisational effort and aid change adoption (e.g. this could be done at a communications or learning roll-out levels)

Impact assessment – Utilise strategic analysis to understand business impact

In analysing the change impact of the initiative, a strategic approach means a depth of understanding of how the business is impacted by the initiative and what benefits will mean to the business.  Each part of the business by definition has different focus areas, and the business impact will be different as a result.  To conduct a strategic analysis of the impact of change undergoes the following:

  • What is the business environment including partners, customers and suppliers?  How will the change influence the dynamics of this environment?
  • How will the work and value of the business unit be altered as a result of the change?  Conduct this analysis at multiple layers of the business unit to tease out the implications?  
  • Will there be financial, resourcing, time, cost or effort impacts on the business unit or stakeholder group?
  • Will the business unit’s own focus areas or strategies be altered as a result of the change?  Will its metrics, tracking and reporting be altered as well?

Change strategy formulation

In formulating the change strategy for the initiative adopt the MECE approach as described previously.  You may need to formulate different hypotheses and test them before arriving at the one that is the most applicable to the organisation.  Feel free to share your tree branch with your stakeholders to take them through how the change strategy is formulated.  Involve them to ‘test’ the assumptions as required in the formulation.

Systems and portfolio views of the organisation

A key part of strategic change management is approaching change from a holistic and ‘systems-based’ perspective.  A change project should not be viewed in its isolation but as a piece of the overall system.  This means you need to understand the potential relations of this initiative with other initiatives in supporting the same strategy, and what other initiatives are focused on by the impacted business units.  Having a portfolio-level visibility of the various initiatives and their relative impacts on the organisation is a key capability to support planning and decision making.  This also helps you to better position or clarify your initiative compared to other focus areas.

Examples of portfolio level views of change from The Change Compass

Strategic capabilities

Different organisations and business units will have different levels of capabilities in leading, executing, and embedding change.  Within the timeline and resource challenges of one initiative, it is not always possible to address all the various aspects of capability gaps.  In fact, you may even face multiple capability gaps that may potentially derail the project.

Conduct a strategic capability analysis to assess which capabilities are core and critical to the success of the project.  Assign weighting to each capability in terms of importance and any existing gaps.  Use this analysis to formulate the top one or two capabilities you may want to focus on supporting the business to ensure the rollout is successful.  Strategy is about focus and making bets.  By spreading your efforts too thin you might not be able to close any of the capability gaps.

How to calculate the financial value of managing a change portfolio

How to calculate the financial value of managing a change portfolio

Showing the value of change management is something that change practitioners have yearned for.  Some senior leaders do not understand the value of change management and either see it as a normal part of general business management or don’t even understand what it is.  For less mature organisations, change practitioners often need to spend significant time educating stakeholders and explaining why they are doing the work that they are hired for. Calculating and showing the financial value of change portfolio management can be the ultimate ‘proof’.

Calculating the value of change management has been a difficult task to accomplish since a lot of the work of managing change is deemed as ‘soft’ and about people and leadership.  There are various attempts to calculate in financial terms the value of managing change.  These approaches include ROI (return on investment) and cost-benefit analysis.  However, this approach is purely focused on a cost level and does not look at the value of the impact of change management work.

At a change portfolio level, there is even less in the literature.  Not only is there not a lot of content on how to manage a portfolio of changes, but there is also almost no mention in the literature on how to calculate the financial value of managing a change portfolio.

A lot of organisations do not invest in managing initiatives across the portfolio from a change management perspective.  This could be due to a lack of change management maturity or experience.  Managing initiatives across a portfolio requires not only senior leader sponsorship but also having the right change governance, operational routines, change management analytics and decision-making capability in conducting ‘air traffic control’, sequencing, and resource prioritisation.

One of the difficulties is in trying to measure the value of the whole discipline, which may be too complex and wide in breadth to take into account.  A better approach may be to look at the tangible parts of value created from managing a portfolio of changes.  

One of the key values of effectively managing a portfolio of changes is helping the organisation better prioritise the right initiatives, the right sequencing of initiative implementation, and therefore the right resources to support these initiatives.  This includes not just the right resource focus and allocation from a project implementation perspective, but also from a business perspective when it comes to change readiness and adoption.

A McKinsey study showed that companies that are better at prioritising resources to support initiatives can reap an average of 40% more value than other companies.  Note that this is not ‘up to 40%’ but an ‘average of 40%’.  This is a significant finding and shows how much this impacts the value of the company.

How do we calculate this change portfolio financial value?

Step 1 – Calculating the value of the company

One simple way to calculate the value of a company can be calculated by using this simple equation:

Value = Earning after tax x P/E (price to earnings) Ratio

Earnings after tax = This number you should be able to get from Finance, or for public companies, this figure should be available in the published Income Statement.

Price to earnings ratio = There are several ways to get this figure.  Market value per share divided by earnings per share.  Or if this number is not available you can use the average P/E ratio number of 14 as the average for S&P 500.

Let’s take a few examples.

Your company’s earnings after tax is $100 million.  And if your P/E ratio is not available, then the value of the company is $100 million x 14 = $1.4 billion.

Your company’s earnings after tax is $300 million.  And if you’re P/E ratio is not available, then the value of the company is $300 million x 14 = $4.2 billion.

Step 2 – Calculating the value of prioritising resources to support your initiative portfolio

In the McKinsey study, the 40% increase in company value was over a 15 year period.  Let’s assume this is taking into account the compounded effect of incremental value year in and year out.  Using a reverse compounded interest calculator would equate to 2% per year in incremental value.

In the example where the value of company is $1.4 billion.  

$1.4 billion x 0.02 (2%) = $28 million

In the example where the value of the company is $4.2 billion

$4.2 billion x 0.02 (2%) = $84 million

You can see now that we are talking about a significant chunk of money.  This is because of the increase in the value of the company from making the right decisions in focusing and appropriately resourcing the prioritised set of initiatives and having the right business focus to support these initiatives.  Creating the right focus, the right change sequences, the right change ‘packages’, and changes that are ‘bite-sized’ as needed can all contribute to optimised change outcomes.

Resources and organisational energy are also not wasted on initiatives that are less critical and perhaps more likely to fail or achieve less adoption.  These then translate to enhanced overall benefit realisation, and therefore improved value creation for the company overall.  

This contrasts significantly with the focus on individual projects and the calculation of ROI where change management is viewed as a cost to the business.  At a per-project level this may make sense, however, most companies are executing multiple projects at the same time.  Sure, you can try and calculate the change management ROI for every project and still not capture the total value.  This is because “the sum is greater than its parts” to quote Aristotle.

How do we use this value?

There are many ways to use this financial calculation:

  1. Business leaders who don’t understand the value of managing change across the portfolio and struggle to see the relevance or business benefit of investment in this area
  2. Project portfolio managers who would like to better understand and articulate the ‘prize’ in focusing on change portfolio management beyond the existing project portfolio management focus areas
  3. Operational leaders who would like to understand the value of ‘air traffic control’ of the various initiatives that impact their business units
  4. Change practitioners who have been asked to prove the value of managing across the portfolio and why this is needed across multiple initiatives

To read more articles about managing a change portfolio please visit here.