Change Measurement

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The change data iceberg

The change data iceberg

The various types of change data available is like an iceberg.  Most people only see the small part of the surface of data types such as training completion rate or change heatmap.  There is a lot more beneath the surface.  Download our Change Data Iceberg diagram to...

The Art of Engaging Senior Leaders with Change Data

The Art of Engaging Senior Leaders with Change Data

In our fast-moving, data-centric world, the ability to capture the focus of senior leaders during data presentations is not just a valuable skill but a vital one. With attention spans growing shorter and the constant deluge of information, this challenge has become...

5 ways to graduate from change heatmaps

5 ways to graduate from change heatmaps

So you’ve climbed the change management career ladder.   You’ve not only managed complex projects, but are starting to help the business manage the change landscape. Like most organisations, the business you are supporting is implementing various changes to stay...

The death of the change heat map

The death of the change heat map

Change heatmaps are considered valuable by many organizations struggling with facing too much change. Heatmaps are easy to understand and people intuitively get heatmaps without much explanation. The darker colours are bad, or too much change. The lighter colours are...

How to create strategic and quantitative change reporting

How to create strategic and quantitative change reporting

A typical scenario for a lot of program meetings goes something like this. The program spends the bulk of the time discussing program cost, delivery progress, technical risks and resourcing challenges. And when it comes to Change Management reporting, we are often...