Portfolio management

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The meaning of managing change

The meaning of managing change

Is change management just a job or a career? When you clock in and clock out everyday do you ever wonder what is the purpose of all this work? Yes, your natural response could be, well, managing change helps improve employee work experience and we help company land...

There is no singular change curve

There is no singular change curve

There is no change curve.  A single change curve doesn't exist in most organisations.  The concept of a single change curve means you're always looking at it from the myopic lens of a single project or a single change.  If we adopt a...

The power of change orchestration

The power of change orchestration

Most of what you read about change is only concerned with the various stakeholders within one singular change journey. This ranges from various change methodologies to techniques and the experience of change, including the 'change curve' that dips after go-live and...

Win over stakeholders with a single view of change in weeks

Win over stakeholders with a single view of change in weeks

We’ve all heard about how change is the only constant and that change is intensifying and not going away. On top of increasing digitisation, we have Covid, extreme weather disruptions as well as other company changes. Not all changes can be planned for. Change is a...