Agile for Change Managers – Ultimate Guide
Without a clear oversight of a collection of changes that are constantly moving. It is almost impossible even with agile to effectively lead and embed changes effectively.
The Ultimate Guide to Managing Change Post Covid
Leading change as we know it will no longer be the same. Our audience has changed. Our...
Guide for change re-planning – infographic
During Covid organisations are re-planning their initiatives to better cater for the...
A guide to change planning during coronavirus – The role of change practitioners
"When disaster strikes, it tears the curtain away from the festering problems that we...
Five agile change toolkits
The agile way of implementing changes has been popular for quite several years among a...
The Ultimate Guide in Designing a 5 star Change Journey
Designing a change journey is a design process. Like in any design processes, you need...
The ultimate guide to Agile for change managers
So agile is all the rage at the moment. Most organizations are implementing some form...
Ultimate guide to change portfolio management
The change management profession has grown by leaps and bounds. This is proportional to...
A Comprehensive Guide to Elevating Change Management Maturity
In the rapidly evolving landscape of today's organizations, adaptability and agility...