Change approach

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Positive or negative change

Positive or negative change Check out our video that explains whether it makes sense to rate changes as positive or negative.

New vs. old change management models

New vs. old change management models

A lot of popular change management models are old models, many of which have been shown by research to have limited efficacy in the business world. Never the less, some of these models are still referred to as the core 'pillars' of change management. What are newer...

Change Deliverables Structure

Change Deliverables Structure

Eventually, each change deliverable contributes to the next, resulting in a detailed change plan. The change plan is a culmination of a detailed understanding.

Project change planning for post-Covid

Project change planning for post-Covid

Whilst organisations plan return to office approach and the overall aftermath that is Covid on the business, here is an infographic on key project change planning considerations post-Covid. Click here to download the infographic.

Managing change during coronavirus

Managing change during coronavirus

The world is now watching and experiencing an emerging coronavirus pandemic.  There is widespread anticipation and fear in many parts of the world, especially those with higher rates of infection.   This poses an interesting scenario of testing the...

This model will fundamentally shift how we manage change

This model will fundamentally shift how we manage change

Change Management is full of concepts and frameworks that are outdated and not based on empirical research. It seems that in the business world, we are very comfortable with concepts that sound like they make sense intuitively. If the concept is simple and interesting...

The secret in motivating change

The secret in motivating change

Move over older concepts and frameworks such as Lewin's, Bridges and Kubler-Ross models that are dated and not based on years of rigorous research..... It's time we started to focus on well-researched and evidence-backed models that explain people's behaviours in...

The secret in understanding the core of change management

The secret in understanding the core of change management

Change management is a broad and diverse discipline with many facets. Just like other essential business domains such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, or Management, it encompasses a variety of sub-components. In Finance, for instance, there are sub-disciplines...