Portfolio Management
Avoiding Change Collisions: Lessons from Air Traffic Accidents for Smarter Change and Transformation
Air traffic control is one of the most sophisticated and high-stakes management systems...
The Key to Successful Transformation is Managing Organisational Energy
Successful transformation is not just about having a clear strategy, the right...
Why Transformation Offices Are Missing the Mark on Change Management
For many organisations, transformation has become a strategic necessity. However, the...
How to Prove the Value of Change Management So You Won’t Need to Justify Your Existence
Transformation and change professionals often find themselves in the position of...
Why Every Organisation Needs a Holistic View of Change (and How to Achieve it)
Do We Really Need a View of Changes Across the Organisation? As the pace of change...
Marie Kondo Principles for Change Portfolio
As the new year begins, it’s a natural time to reflect, refocus, and set the stage for...
Building and Leading High-Performance Change Management Teams: A Practical Guide
For ambitious organisations undergoing constant transformations, change management is no...
Using Change Data to Maximise Business Results Through These 4 Systems Thinking Principles
Change management practitioners are often tasked with ensuring that transitions are...
The Essential Guide to Meeting Stakeholder Needs with a Single View of Change
In the realm of organizational change management, the concept of a Single View of...
Are You Too Fixated on the Change Maturity of Your Organisation?
As a change management practitioner, your mission is to guide organisations through...
7 Change Portfolio Management best practices
Managing a set of change initiatives through a portfolio management approach is...
Strategic Change Adoption: Aligning Multiple Initiatives for Maximum Business Benefit Realisation
In today’s fast-paced business environment, most organizations are engaged in numerous...
How to Effectively Manage Multiple Change Initiatives, Including Enterprise-Wide Transformations
When I was a kid, I used to love my Walkman. I'd create mixed tapes of my favorite songs...
Rethinking change management analogy – why “the light at the end of the tunnel” falls short
When navigating the complexities of organizational change, leaders often rely on...
How to Manage Change Saturation using this ancient discipline
Managing change saturation can be tricky. It is not necessarily something you...
Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Change Management Reporting: A Guide to Creating Impactful Reports
Enterprise change management reporting is changing. It no longer consists of general...
The meaning of managing change
Is change management just a job or a career? When you clock in and clock out everyday do...
Top 5 Challenges with Current Ways of Managing Multiple Change Initiatives
Managing multiple change initiatives is not a new concept nor is it new to...
The best organisational structure for enterprise change management
Exploring Organisational Structures for Optimal Enterprise Change Management Change is...
Why using change management ROI calculations severely limits its value
Change management professionals often struggle with proving the worth of their services...
There is no singular change curve
There is no change curve. A single change curve doesn't exist in most...
The power of change orchestration
Most of what you read about change is only concerned with the various stakeholders...
Win over stakeholders with a single view of change in weeks
We’ve all heard about how change is the only constant and that change is intensifying...
How to calculate the financial value of managing a change portfolio
Showing the value of change management is something that change practitioners have...
Approaches in deriving a single view of change
What are the different approaches in deriving a single view of change? And what business...
Is it useful to label change as positive or negative?
You may have been asked to rate change into either a positive or negative change to...
Planning for change during COVID19
Is your business re-planning existing initiatives or in the middle of reverting to...
What I learnt about managing multiple changes came from finance
The concept of managing a set of projects or initiatives may be new in the area of...
How to better manage a change portfolio – Infographic
Most organisations are implementing a series of changes at the same time. It is no...
Life after one view of change
Managing change as a change driver – Infographic
Download the infographic here. Managing Change as a Change driver
Roles in change governance: Infographic
Infographic: Landing multiple changes in a multiple environment – How to land
Infographic: Landing multiple changes in a multiple environment - How to land
Infographic: Landing multiple changes in a complex environment. The role of Control Tower and Air Traffic Control
How to land multiple change initiatives – ACMP presentation slides
Landing multiple changes - ACMP conference
Landing multiple changes – ACMP conference slides
These are slides from the presentation to the ACMP (Association of Change Management...
Ultimate guide to change portfolio management
The change management profession has grown by leaps and bounds. This is proportional to...
Infographic: How to Better Manage a Change Portfolio
Please also check out our ultimate guide to change portfolio management.
How to better manage a change portfolio?
Set up a simple, business-led change governance Instead of a myriad of project-based...
The BIG gap in managing customer experience
Managing customer experience has been in vogue for a number of years. This is...
Are you outsourcing too much of your Change Management?
Given the rapid pace of industry changes across numerous industries and sectors, it is...